Thursday, October 16, 2014

Word of Wisdom-Introduction

            When we talk about the Word of Wisdom we speak primarily of no alcohol, tobacco, tea, or coffee. This makes sense. After all, inquiring about the tobacco use of members of the School of the Prophets in the winter of 1833 is what prompted the revelation (Our Heritage, p 25). Sure, there are those fringe interpretations; that family who won’t drink hot chocolate, the never ending debate on caffeine, or that vegan family who feels they are truly following the Word of Wisdom, but we can all agree on no alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco or drugs. In fact, we are known for that aspect of the Word of Wisdom around the world (BYU has been ranked as the number one stone cold sober school in the Princeton Review since 1997 and I think its safe to say we’ve been unchallenged for the title (Salt Lake Tribune, Aug 4, 2014)).

            One of the marvels of the Word of Wisdom has been that it “contained information about health that was not known to the medical or scientific world at the time” (Our Heritage, p 25) but which have since been proven to be correct. As a dietitian, health and nutrition are obviously of interest to me (you don’t go into dietetics for the pay, I can tell you that). Two years ago, after sitting through a Relief Society lesson on the Word of Wisdom which started out with “I don’t want to offend anyone, but…” and turned into a heated discussion ranging from sugar, to drugs, to vegetarianism I started thinking about the Word of Wisdom from a dietetics perspective.

All of a sudden I realized that I had, in my possession, a prophetic document that answered the question every dietitian wants to know: What is the optimal diet for the health of human kind? If you aren’t familiar with the current world of nutrition you might think this question has already been answered. However, if you take a look at the diet industry with its hundreds of diets, then look at all the books random doctors have written on diet, then listen to the difference in recommendations from a dietitian to a nutritionist (not to mention the ever changing health recommendations in general), then for good measure look up some YouTube videos done by Joe Blow down the street you will soon feel the significance of this question. Everyone eats and therefore, EVERYONE has an opinion about diet. More often than not the logic behind recommendations seems to be, “Well, this has worked for me so it must be right,” whether it comes from Joe Blow or your doctor. Dietitians come in toting the banner of “evidence based practice” only to have that evidence change on them every decade or so, leaving the public frustrated and mistrusting. Needless to say, suddenly realizing that I had the health code, from GOD, the maker of our bodies, was a big deal.

No tobacco, alcohol, and drugs is a no brainer at this point (well, for most people…) and even coffee is being recognized as an unhealthy habit by many. Tea is really the only thing mentioned that is not generally recognized as unhealthy, or at least something that should be consumed in moderation. But what about the things we should do? What does the Word of Wisdom tell us and how does that line up with what current evidence supports? I have spent the last two years trying to answer that question from the perspective of a dietitian.

The first question that I wanted answered, as a dietitian, was why do Mormons have this awesome health code and not follow it? Sure, it is a temple recommend question, and we all follow the major don’ts of the Word of Wisdom, but what about he do's? To answer this question I wanted to look at the introduction to the Word of Wisdom.

The introduction is the first three verses which were “originally written as an inspired introduction and description” by Joseph Smith (D&C 89 section heading).
First verse. The Word of Wisdom was given to benefit three groups of people. 1) The council of high priests 2) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and 3) The saints in Zion or the members of the church. Basically I take from it that it’s a good thing that can benefit a lot of people (sorry, no epiphanies from the first verse).

Second verse. Epiphany alert!* I was wondering what on earth it meant “to be sent greeting” (D&C 89:2) so I decided to look up that word in the 1828 dictionary which is available online. Greeting: Addressing with kind wishes or expressions of joy; complimenting; congratulating; saluting. Obviously I’m not God and I don’t want to be putting words in his mouth, but when I read verse two with this definition in mind it changed the meaning of the whole verse significantly. “To be sent [with kind wishes and joy, complimenting and congratulating]; not by commandment or constraint**, but by revelation and the word of wisdom, showing forth the order and will of God…” I took this to mean that God was not going to force us to follow this council, but that he was excited to share with us this wisdom and let us do with it as we will; he is not going to force us to take care of our bodies. He is excited that Emma and Joseph took thought to ask when they observed something that did not seem wholesome to them and he is willing, excited even, to share  “the order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days” (D&C 89:2).

But what is temporal salvation? I thought “that all things unto [Christ] are spiritual, and not at any time [had he] given unto [man] a law which was temporal” (D&C 29:34). Joseph F. Smith explained more about temporal salvation saying, “You must continue to bear in mind that the temporal and spiritual are blended. They are not separate. One cannot be carried on without the other, so long as we are here in mortality” (Principles of Temporal Salvation, Marion G. Romney). This principle was directly related to spiritual confidence by Elder Jörg Klebingat in the 2014 October General Conference. He stated that in order to have spiritual confidence we must take responsibility for our physical well-being. He went on to explain that “Feeding the spirit while neglecting the body, which is a temple, usually leads to spiritual dissonance and lowered self-esteem. If you are out of shape, if you are uncomfortable in your own body and can do something about it, then do it! Elder Russell M. Nelson has taught that we should ‘regard our body as a temple of our very own’ and that we should ‘control our diet and exercise for physical fitness.’ President Boyd K. Packer has taught ‘that our spirit and our body are combined in such a way that our body becomes an instrument of our mind and the foundation of our character.’ Therefore, please use good judgment in what and especially how much you eat, and regularly give your body the exercise it needs and deserves. If you are physically able, decide today to be the master of your own house and begin a regular, long-term exercise program, suited to your abilities, combined with a healthier diet ” (October Conference 2014, italics added for emphasis).

I was so excited when I heard this in Conference! It has really bothered me that latter-day saints eat so terribly. Sure, we don’t do the obvious don’ts of the Word of Wisdom, but fatty, greasy, starchy casseroles with a side of suspended sugar (Jell-O), chocolate held together by sugar, butter and eggs (brownies), all topped off with whipped cream or ice cream are all too common. Vegetables? Not really (canned green beans do NOT count as a vegetable in my book. I’m not even sure I’d count them as a food...). Whole grains? Hardly ever (do oatmeal cookies count?). Fruit? Sure, suspended in Jell-O or whipped cream with marshmallows. Meat sparingly? No one is really sure what that means, but I’m pretty sure (based on the fact that BBQ pulled pork sandwiches seem to be the number one main dish at ward functions) we could do better. Please don’t be offended by my frank analysis of the “standard Mormon diet.” My awareness of it has been heightened lately as I’ve been trying to lose postpartum weight at a time of year with lots of LDS church and family functions. Lets just say I’ve been leaving a lot of dinners hungry. But I digress…

As President Romney and Packer and Elders Klebingat and Nelson have so eloquently stated, what we do to our bodies directly impacts our spiritual well being. We cannot say that just because we don’t do drugs, drink alcohol, or coffee and tea that we are taking care of our body. We cannot say that the above mentioned meal is healthy because we are eating it “in moderation” (Really people! Your health does not lie; I know what direction your “moderation” is swinging). And goodness knows if this keeps on being the “standard Mormon diet” we are going to need to really, earnestly be asking that this food “bless and strengthen our body.” We could all do a little better. And I’m not talking about weight loss; I’m talking about healthy eating.

            For the most part, latter-day saints need to be focusing on what the Word of Wisdom is telling us we should do and stop thinking we’ve got this one in the bag because we get 100% on the don’ts. If we focus on the do’s we have been promised that we will “receive health…and...find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge...[and have] the destroying angel pass by” (D&C 89:18-21). But what does following the Word of Wisdom look like in modern terms? That is what I’ve been trying to answer for myself and have recently found amazing scientific evidence to explain it all in modern terms. It makes my dietitian heart happy. 

            Third verse. The Word of Wisdom is a principle given with a promise. It is made suitable for all saints. Even the weak can follow the principles of the Word of Wisdom and have access to its promised blessings.

It is my hope that by sharing what I have studied Mormons can be known not only for following the don’ts of the Word of Wisdom, but also for being faithful followers of the do’s.

*What I consider an epiphany may not qualify as an epiphany to everyone and that is okay

**For more information on why the Word of Wisdom was initially given not as a commandment but later became a commandment check out this awesome article called "The Lord's People Blessed by Temporal Law"

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