My husband and I have been pretty busy this semester and often don't see as much of each other as we would like. He is a night owl an I'm a morning person so usually life goes something like this: I wake up, get dressed and do homework while he is sleeping. He gets up, gets dressed, we eat something and walk up to campus. We usually try and eat lunch together for a whopping 15 minutes and then he gets home at dinner, eats something and does more homework while I try and stay awake to say good night. This usually fails and I end up falling a sleep long before he comes to bed.
Today the alarm went of and David drove his sister to school because her car broke down. He came home and had just fallen back to sleep as I got up for my early meeting. I was planning on being sneaky and coming home as soon as the meeting was over to surprise him before he left to donate plasma and pick his sister up from school. I was going to run errands while he was donating and we could spend the morning together...ish, running errands together after he was finished. But my meeting went over and by the time I got home he was gone. I was so sad! I had recently decided I was going to walk more so I decided then and there was a great time to start so I walked to DI which is across the street from the plasma center.
I made it in a record 20 minutes and took a pit stop by our car in the plasma center parking lot to leave my sweet husband a note to come get me at DI and made it to the front doors of DI just as they were opening. What a treat! Who knew they organize the place every morning! It was awesome.
Here are some of my finds.
High heeled tennis shoes. |
The entire Xena:Warrior Princess series on VHS. Goodness knows why this wasn't up in collectables. Its a classic! |
A dress nothing short of an opera dress. |
One lone monkey slipper. |
Some really cute shoes I really, really wanted but had no money for so I hid them to get later... |
A remote control monster truck. |
I love DI!
Find the other monkey slipper and it is a done deal!